A penny for your thoughts,
Thursday, October 1, 2009 »
10:49 PM;

Sad ain't it. They shot old Robinson when he was tryin to escape. I wonder why he even did. If he was innocent den he woulda been freed right? So he wouldna have to escape. They would let him go! Hmmm. Poor old man. I guessed he didnt understand the way our law works in 'comb. If he knew i'm sure he woulda stayed in tat jail just for a while. Then he woulda been free. Ahh. Oh well.

School's comin to a close already. An i just had my paper last week. I hope this time i woudlna have t' repeat the old year again. Its shameful. Even Scout's gonna be upped to the next level of school. OHH and my pop said if i was smart enough he'd get me a toy. Dunno wad, but it be good. Can't wait.
10:44 PM;

Ahhhhhhh now i know what really happened. I didn't know my father wanted to lynch poor old Robinson. He's already crippled an' is bein persucted by all of Maycomb, can't help but wonder whats goin on. Now I wish my pop would let me out ofta house for a bit. Then perhaps i culd go and watch the trial an' ohhhhhhhh i have never seen a trial before! I wonder I wonder I wonder. I hope he's not goinaa die. One time i saw him and i was so scared of him, but he turned out to be a mighty nice guy. Talked to be about people in Maycomb. He said this word... prajerdisc. Is that it? I dunno how its spelled, but he talked a whole lot 'bout it and looked quite sorrowful for that matter. I for one didnt know what in the world he wus talking bout, but i get the idea. Poor old man.
10:38 PM;

Somethin weird happened last night. I was playin with my matches, tryin to fry the ants that keep crawling into my bed. But that's not the weird part. T'was when me pop came back in the middle of the night, and he looked mighty wrong. Wrong as in, when you'd done something wrong wrong. Ya know? Anyway, when i ask'd him wha'ppened he told me that a group of em went to visit old Robinson and Atticus wouldn't let em. I asked why and he fumbled for a while (he was lying) and said that Robinson had gotten the plague and as a result he's arm decomposed off.

Mighty liar. I wished he would tell me the truth. Wonder what's keep'n him. I shall ask Scout at school one day.
10:27 PM;

Thursday, March 5, 2009 »
Woah. A month gone just like that. Didn't feel like it, with all my new friends and the interesting lessons.

I like math alot now. Miss Fisher said i was good at it, and that i would be able to ace the upcoming test. I don't see why people hate math so much, don't they find all the numbers interesting? And how, when you multiply this and that, you get something else? Its pretty cool, once you get the hang of it.

Been going to the Finch's place alot lately. I like their cook, Calpernia. Or was it Culpernia? Hmmm, can't seem to remember. All i do remember was her cooking, how scrumptious it was, and how i would go home feeling great. Its not often that i get to eat a good meal like that. Atticus would often talk to me about the crops and give me advice on how to make the best use out of my farm. If his tactics work, i would be able to eat rice everyday!

Jem and Scout have been relatively good friends, and sometimes if they are free, we would walk the Radley house together, just to have a peek in. And everytime we parted from there (I lived on the other side of town), i would look into the window and hope to see... something? Hmmm... I wonder if the dead body of Mrs Radley was still in there?

Oh. Here comes Papa. Have to help him with the chopping now. Cya!
1:23 AM;

Monday, February 9, 2009 »
Went to school as usual today. First thing in the morning and me got scolded by that caroline fisher. Wut 'd she mean, bring my lunch? Don't she know that we Cunninghams dont have lunches. We're southerners, not some north america rich girl. Shouldn't she be working in a bar?

Learned our numbers today. Finally able to count to a hundred. And i think i can count to two. But what the sam hill is the dewey decimel system suppose to do. Whatever its doing, its certainly not helping. Break time, and was watching the other kids eat as usual, until Scout shared her piece of bread with me this morning. Seems we have gotten over our 'lil quarrel last week. Fish girl didn't offer me a quater this time, to me relief.

Oh and i learned my multiplication table from 2x1 to 2x12 ain't that cool. I love maths sooooooo much. Hope we're going to continue it tomorrow. Got to go now, me papa's calling me fer supper, which doesn't happen often. Seeya!
4:18 AM;

Walter Cunningham
8 years old, repeating first grade for the third time.
I hate that Caroline Fisher.


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